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cooper works

السعر : 20000

5/10/2022 8:19:02 PM

تفاصيل الاعلان

The car has 2 problems which is Firstly the fuel gauge is not working properly Secondly the meter signals have some indicators in them that dont go away but its working fine and everything else is good

(11 / 10 / 8736 )

معلومات المعلن و معلومات الأتصال

اسم المعلن : ( مهند )

الإتصال على هاتف/جوال : ( 66506759 )

عدد الإعلانات : ( 5 )

صور الأعلان


مفاتيح كلمات الإعلان

problems which is Firstly fuel gauge working properly Secondly meter signals have some indicators them that dont away working fine everything else goodcooper works