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PC Gaming @ FLL
&&&& Games are ready
السعر : 2300
3/8/2020 6:25:15 AM
تفاصيل الاعلان
PC Gaming @ FLL
&&&& Games are ready
Grand 5Grand (GTA 5
Forza Horizon 4
Dell Workstationntel Core Xeon |
Processor: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU
E5-1620 0 3.60GHz
icrosoft Windows 10 Pro 10
Memory ▲ 16GB RAM System
Hard Drive: 2000 GB HDD
22inch screen
NVIDIA Quadro K2100M: Full Display Total Memory: 8051MB
6x USB 2.0
2x USB 3.0
Workstation computer is suitable for all for the uses of engineering works
Graphic .. Autocad .. Office games
Dell world class workstations
Multi - speed processor
PC Xeon (R) CPU -Full
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معلومات المعلن و معلومات الأتصال
اسم المعلن : ( No Name )
الإتصال على هاتف/جوال : ( 31027184 )
عدد الإعلانات : ( 13 )
صور الأعلان