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Warehouse & big land at Msaeed for Rent

السعر : 60000

12/19/2020 7:41:27 AM

تفاصيل الاعلان

Bloom Real Estate Company has pleasant to offer warehouse in a great location in Msaeed Area for Rent. Description: Large warehouse available for rent in Msaeed logistic Area can use as a store. Fully Covered Area :3,800 SQM . Connected to the Main road with easy access for heavy vehicles. Monthly Rent : QR 60,000 Month per Sqm . One year contract at least. Viewing can be arranged with us. Payment: . Postdated rent cheques . 1 security deposit cheque . Half Month Agency Fee applicable. Viewing can be arranged with prior notice. Please call to see the store at good location.

(2 / 10 / 10823 )

معلومات المعلن و معلومات الأتصال

اسم المعلن : ( Wesam )

الإتصال على هاتف/جوال : ( 70221076 )

عدد الإعلانات : ( 71 )

صور الأعلان


مفاتيح كلمات الإعلان

Bloom Real Estate Company pleasant offer warehouse great location Msaeed Area Rent Description Large warehouse available rent Msaeed logistic Area store Fully Covered Area 3800 Connected Main road with easy access heavy vehicles Monthly Rent 60000 Month year contract least Viewing arranged with us Payment Postdated rent cheques security deposit cheque Half Month Agency applicable Viewing arranged with prior notice Please call store good locationWarehouse land Msaeed Rent