Brevi Grand Prix T2 Baby Car Seat |
Brevi Grand Prix T2 Baby Car Seat
Orignally Priced at QR799 at Babyshop
* Can accomodate up to 18 kg
* Item dimensions L x W x H
45 x 67 x 66 centimetr
* Plastic coating that will protect your child, because they bump years and shock absorption
* The steel frame has a height adjustable plastic protective base for greater safety and stability of the Car
Pickup Only.
If interested please contact my WhatsApp 70245443
/ 10
/ 4094
stroller |
BabyShop Stroller
WhatsApp only 66104510
/ 10
/ 1242
Graco Multipurpose Baby Car Seat |
Graco Multipurpose Baby Car Seat
Originally priced for QR450 at BabyShop
* Side Impact Tested
* Can be used as a Rocker, Car Seat and a Carrier
* Lightweight & Easy to Carry
* 3 Point Harness
* Easy Installation
* Durable
* Removable Seat Cover for Easier Wash
Pickup Only
If interested please message me for more details
/ 10
/ 9855
Baby bed |
Baby bed used only one month from Babyshop
/ 10
/ 890
Babyshop Bed with mattress |
Good for 3 - 5 years kids
/ 10
/ 6864
stroller |
All very good condition
Mother care and babyshop brand 66970400
/ 10
/ 5590
babyshop nursing pillow |
- babyshop nursing pillow used couple of times (still new and clean): 150
/ 10
/ 3796
Bed from babyshop |
Bed from babyshop very good condition with its new mattress. Has few scratches
/ 10
/ 9688
2 baby suits from baby shop |
2 baby girl suits from babyshop, used rarely. bought a month ago paying 120 Qr.
/ 10
/ 6020
Baby bed |
Clean Baby bed With mattress from babyshop
Non smoker family
130 x 70 cm
/ 10
/ 7737
babyshop swing for sale |
very rarely used babyshop swing
/ 10
/ 748
baby crib / bed |
Giggles brown wooden baby crib bought from centerpoint babyshop. good condition few scratches (no mattress). pls call or whatsapp 66948103
/ 10
/ 899
chair |
juniors babyshop
/ 10
/ 4695
pram |
Pram from babyshop
lightweight and easy to manouver
/ 10
/ 5853
baby bed |
Junior baby bed and mattress from babyshop like new.
/ 10
/ 4232