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rose water with papaya moisturizes the skin ,protects it from dehydration, clean it, removes oils and fats from the face,makes it more Bright and fresh
(7 / 10 / 4322
rose water with papaya
500 gm Moroccan original serum The serum envelops skin cells, protects them from environmental damage, slows the aging process, and restores them to penetrate deep into them. Moisturizes the skin, as the serum helps to store water and accelerate its movement, and eliminates the problem of dehydration that makes the skin appear older. Replaces the complexion with the essential ingredients it needs. It protects the skin from fatigue and exhaustion. Treats skin softness
(9 / 10 / 7368
500 gm Moroccan original serum
event Free Private Invitations to A Flower each Spring Program held this Saturday, November 24th,2018 from 8:00am to 12:30pm at FES camp located at Ras Matbekh, Al Khor. To RSVP or require any further information contact; 33255667 or email; [email protected] Please Note: • Meals will be provided (according to the given number of participants) • Water is provided throughout the program to avoid dehydration • Highly experienced paramedic on the scene (volunteer) • Al Khor Hospital is only 3 minutes away • Pictures and Videos are allowed
(10 / 10 / 1636
Argan Oil فوائد زيت أركان مرطب رائع للبشرة يحميها من الجفاف والتشقّقات، يعمل على ترميم البشرة وإعادة بناء الخلايا. يمنح البشرة صفاء ونعومة ولمعان. يعمل على تخليص البشرة من آثار حب الشباب و التخلص منه و كذلك المناطق الداكنة والبقع. يعمل على تأخير علامات الشيخوخة ويخلّص البشرة من التجاعيد. يعمل على تخليص البشرة من الخطوط البيضاء التي تظهر في بعض الأحيان نتيجة تمدد الجلد عند اكتساب وزن زائد أو عند خسارة الوزن المفاجئة بسبب الحمل. لا تقتصر فوائد زيت أركان على البشرة وحسب وإنما له فائدة كبيرة للشعر، حيث إنّه يقوّي الشعر ويحميه من التساقط ويعالج التقصف وتكسر الأطراف، ويغذّي الشعر ويمنحه لمعاناً وملمساً ناعماً. Benefits of Argan oil  For the skin Argan oil works as a wonderful moisturizer for the skin and protects it from dehydration and cracks.   Works to restore skin and rebuild cells.   The gospel gives freshness, vitality, clarity, softness and brightness. Works to delay the signs of aging and rid the skin of wrinkles. Argan oil is used in the various types of cosmetics. The benefits of Argan oil are not limited also have a great benefit to the hair, as it strengthens the hair and protects from falling, and treats the bombing and break the limbs, and nourishes the hair and gives it a bright and smooth touch. زيت أركان مغربي أصلي مصادق عليه الآن في قطر. Original Argan oil certified available now in Qatar. الآن متوفر لدينا زيت أركان للوجه و الشعر فقط. Now available Argan oil for hair and face only. للإستفسار أو للطلب المرجو التواصل معنا عبر : Any questions or explanation please contact us : +974 33948058 +974 77773640 [email protected] [email protected]
(8 / 10 / 6767
Argan Oil