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Web Developer

السعر : 3500

8/21/2024 5:47:25 AM

تفاصيل الاعلان

We are seeking a Web Developer with Social Media Specialist back ground , to join our team. Main job responsibilities: - Build and optimize a secure web page for evolving business needs. - Provide continued support for one or more web properties. - Maintain communication with team members and supervisors concerning the direction of the website. -Perform routine site audits, as well as ongoing maintenance, on an as-needed basis. - Develop, implement and manage our social media accounts(Instagram, Facebook, and snapchat) - To visit the stores regularly to post stories on Instagram

(2 / 10 / 10853 )

معلومات المعلن و معلومات الأتصال

اسم المعلن : ( No Name )

الإتصال على هاتف/جوال : ( 55797380 )

عدد الإعلانات : ( 2 )

صور الأعلان


مفاتيح كلمات الإعلان

seeking Developer with Social Media Specialist back ground join team Main responsibilities Build optimize secure page evolving business needs Provide continued support more properties Maintain communication with team members supervisors concerning direction website Perform routine site audits well ongoing maintenance asneeded basis Develop implement manage social media accountsInstagram Facebook snapchat visit stores regularly post stories InstagramWeb Developer