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Gaming PC + Monitor + Chair

Asking Prize : 6500

3/1/2020 5:02:50 AM

Product Description

Gaming PC for sale - Intel i7-6700k CPU MSI Z170A Gaming Pro Carbon Motherboard MSI GeForce GTX 1070 DDR5 8GB GPU HyperX DDR4 16 GB 2400 Ram Kit Kingston 480 GB SSD Corsair H100i AIO RGB Cooler Corsair CS 850M Power Supply 6 Corsair RGB Fans Corsair 570X RGB Case - BenQ Zowie RL2755 Monitor - DXRacer Black and Green Chair - The PC needs a new SSD or Hard Drive for storage The price is with the chair and monitor

(2 / 10 / 10346 )

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Advertiser Name : ( بوحسن )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 66454448 )

number of ads : ( 19 )

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Product Key Word

Gaming sale Intel i76700k CPU MSI Z170A Gaming Carbon Motherboard GeForce 1070 DDR5 GPU HyperX DDR4 2400 Kit Kingston SSD Corsair H100i Cooler Corsair 850M Power Supply 6 Corsair Fans Corsair 570X Case BenQ Zowie RL2755 Monitor DXRacer Black Green Chair The needs Hard Drive storage The price with chair monitorGaming Monitor Chair