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ASUS Laptp

Asking Prize : 850

4/1/2020 12:23:47 PM

Product Description

ASUS Laptp Processor : Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3350 @1.10GHZ, 1101 Mhz, Pro Screen Size15.6 Inches Windows 10 Pro - ASUS memory (RAM): 4.00 GB64-bit Hard Drive Size500 GB PC  Intel(R) HD Graphics 500 M Full Display Device Total Memory: 2107MB Maximum Display Resolution1920x1080 Wireless Type802.11bgn Bluetooth® 4.0 (Optional) USB 2.0 Ports1 HDMI Ports1 USB 3.0 Ports1 Colour::Silver VGA web camera ASUS SonicMaster audio

(6 / 10 / 9447 )

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Product Key Word

ASUS Laptp Processor IntelR CeleronR N3350 110GHZ 1101 Pro Screen Size156 Inches Windows ASUS memory GB64bit Hard Drive Size500 GB PC IntelR Graphics Full Display Device Total Memory 2107MB Maximum Display Resolution1920x1080 Wireless Type80211bgn Bluetooth Optional USB Ports1 HDMI Ports1 USB Ports1 ColourSilver VGA camera ASUS SonicMaster audioASUS Laptp