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Gaming 8GB RAM

Asking Prize : 400

6/20/2020 10:30:53 AM

Product Description

Dominator®, GT is the ultimate performance memory solution within the DOMINATOR® product line. Limited to only extremely high memory speeds, CORSAIR DOMINATOR® GT only uses highly screened IC&rsquo,s to guarantee performance and over-clockability. Using ultra efficient Dual-path Heat Xchange (DHX) cooling technology, DOMINATOR® GT DDR2 and DDR3 memory modules also ship with the Airflow Fan to maximize heat transfer away from the modules & mdash, all the while being stable and reliable

(4 / 10 / 11269 )

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Product Key Word

Dominator ultimate performance memory solution within DOMINATOR product line Limited only extremely high memory speeds CORSAIR DOMINATOR only uses highly screened IC rsquos guarantee performance overclockability Using ultra efficient Dualpath Heat Xchange cooling technology DOMINATOR DDR2 DDR3 memory modules also ship with Airflow maximize heat transfer away from modules mdash while being stable reliableGaming