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Core I7 brand New 8th G 1tb 8gb

Asking Prize : 2499

8/3/2020 8:52:52 AM

Product Description

HP Core i7 8th generation MODEL : HP15-BS1XX (Core i7-8550U CPU) 1.80 TO 2.0GHz 8TH CUPS) 1000GB GB hard disk CAN BE INSTALL SSD ALSO . 8 GB RAM DDR4 up to 64GB - AMD readon 530 4GB Intel (R) UHD GRAPHICS 620 4GB Total with shared 8GB - 15.6 inches" FULL HD Display - Battery up to 4 hours - Windows 10 64bit (ACTIVATED) - Original Hp Charger - No Hidden defects 100% Good Working Condition - no issues none at all. Asking Price: 2300 qr Slightly Negoicate No to Silly offer Only

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Product Key Word

Core generation MODEL HP15BS1XX Core i78550U 20GHz CUPS 1000GB hard disk INSTALL ALSO DDR4 64GB readon Intel GRAPHICS Total with shared inches FULL Display Battery hours Windows 64bit ACTIVATED Original Charger Hidden defects Good Working Condition issues none all Asking Price 2300 Slightly Negoicate Silly offer OnlyCore brand