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Full Gaming/streaming set up

Asking Prize : 11500

9/3/2020 7:36:48 PM

Product Description

Brand new i7-9700k UNLOCKED CPU! MSI RTX 2060 super gpu Asrock Phantom gaming 7 motherboard 16gb ( 8x2) Corsair ram 3200 speed 512gb s70 addlink m.2 ssd 650 watts thermaltake lite power supply Deepcool 240 ex cooler Nzxt h510 ( black and red ) case Windows 10 pro activated nzxt hue 2 and aer 2 rgb fans Asus 144 hertz monitor 1080p https://pcpartpicker.com/product/rkphP6/asus-monitor-vg248qe Ducky one 2 mini Glorious mouse model- D xxl mouse pad

(5 / 10 / 6017 )

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Product Key Word

Brand i79700k UNLOCKED CPU MSI 2060 super gpu Asrock Phantom gaming motherboard 16gb Corsair 3200 speed 512gb addlink ssd 650 watts thermaltake lite power supply Deepcool cooler Nzxt h510 black case Windows activated nzxt fans Asus hertz monitor 1080p https//pcpartpickercom/product/rkphP6/asusmonitorvg248qe Ducky mini Glorious mouse model D xxl mouse pad Full Gaming/streaming