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High End PC

Asking Prize : 8000

11/7/2020 10:58:11 AM

Product Description

processor i9 9900k powerful processor Gpu GtX 1080Ti 11GB Psu 750W corsair 80plus powersupply 16GB RGB warhawk oloy Ram Deep Cool Cooler Phantom Gaming Motherboard Aquarius Plus Casing with 7 RGB fans fortnite FPS pubs::300 to 350 fps creative::600 to 650 fps the pc iss very powerful serious buyer call or whatsapp 31121109

(2 / 10 / 4577 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( awais sajid )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 55737835 )

number of ads : ( 63 )

Images of the product


Product Key Word

processor 9900k powerful processor 1080Ti 11GB Psu 750W corsair 80plus powersupply 16GB warhawk oloy Deep Cool Cooler Phantom Gaming Motherboard Aquarius Plus Casing with fans fortnite FPS pubs300 creative600 fps the very powerful serious buyer call whatsapp 31121109High