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Toshiba -14"- i7 - 8GB- 1 .6TB

Asking Prize : 1500

1/1/2021 2:26:12 PM

Product Description

Toshiba Tecra R940-14"- Core i7 - 8 GB RAM - 1 TB + 650GB HDD dual Hard-drive Fingerprint Scanner & comes with Latest Ubuntu 20.04 installed or Windows 10 Dual Hard-Drive caddy is installed. Intel Core i7 (3rd Gen) 3540M / 3 GHz 64-bit Computing 8GB DDR3 SDRAM

(5 / 10 / 4891 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( Umar Khan )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 31009278 )

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Product Key Word

Toshiba Tecra R94014 Core 650GB dual Harddrive Fingerprint Scanner comes with Latest Ubuntu 2004 installed Windows Dual HardDrive caddy installed Intel Core 3540M 64bit Computing DDR3 SDRAMToshiba