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HP Pro Notebook

Asking Prize : 1200

2/24/2021 5:38:39 PM

Product Description

HP Pro Notebook CPU AMD A6 5350M /2.900 GHz Microsoft Windows 10 PRO 64 Bit RAM 8 GB SDRAM Hard storage 320 GB HDD SecurityTrusted Platform Module (TPM 1.2) Graphics AMD Radeon HD 8450GTotal Memory 2.1 GB Wireless 802.11a/b/g/n Bluetooth 4.0 4 x USB 3.0 Microphone input Headphone output LAN/Dock Webcam Sound Stereo speakers stereo microphone Flash Memory Card SD SDHC SDXC Original charger

(10 / 10 / 11125 )

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Product Key Word

Notebook 5350M /2900 Microsoft Windows SDRAM Hard storage SecurityTrusted Platform Module Graphics Radeon 8450GTotal Memory Wireless 80211a/b/g/n Bluetooth Microphone input Headphone output LAN/Dock Webcam Sound Stereo speakers stereo microphone Flash Memory Card SDHC SDXC Original chargerHP Notebook