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Philips 4-In-1 Healthy Baby Food Maker, White Prepare baby meals for every weaning stage 4-in-1: Steam, blend, defrost and reheat your homemade meals Cook up to four meals at a time with the all-in-one 1000 ml jar Dishwasher-safe jar and blade and easy access water tank. With free food container.

Asking Prize : 350

6/15/2021 8:43:16 AM

Product Description

Philips 4-In-1 Healthy Baby Food Maker, White Prepare baby meals for every weaning stage 4-in-1: Steam, blend, defrost and reheat your homemade meals Cook up to four meals at a time with the all-in-one 1000 ml jar Dishwasher-safe jar and blade and easy access water tank. With free food container.

(7 / 10 / 12859 )

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Philips 4In1 Healthy Baby Food Maker White Prepare baby meals every weaning stage 4in1 Steam blend defrost reheat your homemade meals Cook four meals time with allinone 1000 Dishwashersafe blade easy access water tank With free food containerPhilips 4In1 Healthy Baby Food Maker White Prepare baby meals every weaning stage 4in1 Steam blend defrost reheat your homemade meals Cook four meals time with allinone 1000 Dishwashersafe blade easy access water tank With free food container