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full gaming pc with accessories

Asking Prize : 8500

7/8/2021 8:09:07 AM

Product Description

windows 10 pro amd ryzen 3600x zotac 2060 gpu 16 gb ram 256 gb ssd rgb Thermaltake case Samsung 1080p monitor 60hz logitech g915 wireless light speed keyboard brand new razor wireless mouse brand new razer rgb mouse pad with all wires and some are still under warranty. including logitech wireless headset gaming topend ready for 2k gaming if you upgrade the monitor at 144hz

(6 / 10 / 5975 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( Elias )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 55431479 )

number of ads : ( 5 )

Images of the product


Product Key Word

windows pro amd ryzen 3600x zotac 2060 gpu 16 ssd rgb Thermaltake case Samsung 1080p monitor 60hz logitech g915 wireless light speed keyboard brand razor wireless mouse brand new razer mouse pad with wires some still under warranty including logitech wireless headset gaming topend ready gaming upgrade monitor 144hzfull gaming with accessories