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gaming rams,cpu and motherboard

Asking Prize : 1250

7/9/2021 6:30:32 PM

Product Description

Prossecer :Amd ryzen 3 3200 g vega 8 Ram :16 ram ddr4 8x2 3000mhz Msi motherboard :A320M-A PRO I will give them all i wont sell cpu or rams only all for 1250QR I bought cpu for :245 usd Rams for: 80usd Mother board for :60 usd From amazon with shipment took me 200 more ryals all i will sell it for :1250QR

(5 / 10 / 12981 )

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Prossecer ryzen 3200 vega ddr4 3000mhz motherboard A320MA will give them wont sell rams only 1250QR bought Rams 80usd Mother board From amazon with shipment took more ryals will sell 1250QRgaming ramscpu motherboard