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HP Laptop 15.5 inch | 8GB RAM | 1

Asking Prize : 2300

3/22/2022 10:22:28 AM

Product Description

HP Laptop 15.5 inch | 8GB RAM | 1TB HardDisk | 2GB NVIDIA | Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz 2.00 GHz Installed RAM 8.00 GB System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Edition Windows 11 Home Version 21H2

(2 / 10 / 4336 )

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Product Key Word

Laptop inch HardDisk NVIDIA Processor IntelR CoreTM i78550U 180GHz Installed System type 64bit operating system x64based processor Edition Windows Home Version 21H2HP Laptop inch