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weekend i7 and i5 on sell

Asking Prize : 1400

3/24/2022 3:53:25 AM

Product Description

Weekend i7 and i5 on sell Good budget powerful used laptops on sell. 1. 14 Inches Heavy body i5 with 8gb ram and 256gb speed ssd, only 975 Qr. 2. 14.5 inches Nvidia Graphics laptop with 16gb ram and 256gb speed ssd hardisk, only 1800 Qr. 3. 14.5 inches Dell 16gb ram i7 premium touch screen Nvidia Graphics laptop. For graphics designers and Vedio Editors. Only 1999 Qr. 4. 14 Inches business class i7 laptop with 16gb ram and 256gb speed ssd. 1600 Qr. 5. 13.5 Inches Tranding i7 laptop For smart Peoples with 8gb ram and 256gb speed ssd hardisk. 6. 15.6 inches Mega i7 Nvidia Graphics laptop With 24gb ram and 512gb m.2 speed ssd hardisk for graphics designers and Vedio Editors, only 2500 Qr.

(6 / 10 / 11487 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( Second Hand )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 50273078 )

number of ads : ( 886 )

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Product Key Word

Weekend sell Good budget powerful used laptops sell 1 14 Inches Heavy body with 256gb speed only Qr 2 145 inches Nvidia Graphics laptop with 16gb 256gb speed hardisk only 1800 Qr 3 145 inches Dell 16gb premium touch screen Nvidia Graphics laptop graphics designers Vedio Editors Only 1999 Qr 4 14 Inches business class laptop with 16gb 256gb speed 1600 Qr 5 135 Inches Tranding laptop smart Peoples with 256gb speed hardisk 6 156 inches Mega Nvidia Graphics laptop With 24gb 512gb speed hardisk graphics designers Vedio Editors only 2500 Qrweekend sell