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Lenovo T480s i7

Asking Prize : 2000

8/2/2022 8:49:33 AM

Product Description

intel core i7 8550u CPU1.8GHz Number of cores 4. Number of threads 8 . Cache 8MB 8GB ram DDR4 brand Samsung at 2400 MT/S 512 GB ssd storage Sandisk WD type NVMe Display 1920*1080 pixels RGB 4:4:4 Thunderbolt 3 ports Fingerprint reader Integrated Camera 2 USB port type 3.0 Microphone Memory card slot HDMI Bluetooth WLAN RJ45

(5 / 10 / 7769 )

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Product Key Word

intel core 8550u CPU18GHz Number cores Number threads Cache 8MB 8GB DDR4 brand Samsung 2400 MT/S 512 storage Sandisk type NVMe Display 19201080 pixels 444 Thunderbolt ports Fingerprint reader Integrated Camera port type Microphone Memory card slot HDMI Bluetooth WLAN RJ45Lenovo T480s