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HP Z8 G4 Workstation

Asking Prize : 15000

8/30/2023 8:28:44 AM

Product Description

HP Z8 G4 workstation DAUL Processor : intel xeon silver 4110 cpu @ 2.10ghz 2095 8 core 16 thread Ram : 96 GB Graphics: nvidia quadro p4000 8GB Storage Capacity: 2 TB NVME - 1TB HHD Price : 15000 QR I bought 30000 QR before 3 year

(7 / 10 / 10314 )

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Advertiser Name : ( computer tech )

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Product Key Word

workstation DAUL Processor intel xeon silver 4110 210ghz 2095 core thread Graphics nvidia quadro p4000 Storage Capacity NVME Price 15000 bought 30000 before yearHP Workstation