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Mechanical Engineer

Asking Prize : 5000

5/31/2019 2:54:20 PM

Product Description

Myself Ravi Kumar.I am graduate in Mechanical Engineering.I have 4 years experience in Installation and Supervision of CHILLERS,CHILLED WATER PIPING,DSA UNITs,VRF UNITS,AHU & FCU UNITs,Split and Cassette Units,Copper Piping, Ducting & Plenum Box, PL

(6 / 10 / 3839 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( Ravikumar Balamurugan )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 55914753 )

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Product Key Word

Myself Ravi KumarI graduate Mechanical EngineeringI have years experience Installation Supervision CHILLERSCHILLED WATER PIPINGDSA UNITsVRF UNITSAHU UNITsSplit Cassette UnitsCopper Piping Ducting Plenum PLMechanical Engineer