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Required Food Trading Expert

Asking Prize : 3000

10/16/2020 2:01:29 PM

Product Description

Required a highly expert food trader in Qatar market in Food Trading of most types like (Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Meat:frozen/fresh/live/cattle, Spices and any other related items that are demanded and profitable),should also have experience with Importing from different sources,countries and has excellent network, relations and contacts and capable of signing contratcs with Suppliers,Hypermarkets,chains,restaurant,hotels,retailers & handle financials OR strong company that require partner

(3 / 10 / 9495 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( srbo )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 55886845 )

number of ads : ( 17 )

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Product Key Word

Required highly expert food trader Qatar market Food Trading most types like Groceries Vegetables Fruits Meatfrozen/fresh/live/cattle Spices other related items that demanded profitableshould also have experience with Importing from different sourcescountries excellent network relations contacts capable signing contratcs with SuppliersHypermarketschainsrestauranthotelsretailers handle financials strong company that require partnerRequired Food Trading Expert