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Driver for full time Job

Asking Prize : 2000

3/21/2021 4:17:22 AM

Product Description

Looking for a driver for full time Job Duty Daily 9-10 hours Salary + Mobild Allownce + Company Car & Petrol + Tshirt Need background in mobile & electrinics Salary 2000-2200 QR If Intrested keep Comment here only

(4 / 10 / 10030 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( Y_R )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 70992097 )

number of ads : ( 22 )

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Product Key Word

Looking driver full time Job Duty Daily hours Salary Mobild Allownce Company Petrol Tshirt Need background mobile electrinics Salary 20002200 Intrested keep Comment here onlyDriver full time