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looking for accounts work

Asking Prize : 77061937

8/19/2022 4:25:00 PM

Product Description

Arabian accountant with 9 years of experience looking for a job following up sales reviewing and checking invoices for all branches Checking all branches cash deposit and match it with daily cash report Checking suppliers balances Handling of petty cash Dealing of all department of Banks and all other daily accounting work I have accounting experience in the field of recruitment office I have qatar driving license phone number 77061937

(8 / 10 / 8740 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( محمد زكريا Mohamed Zakaria )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 77061937 )

number of ads : ( 29 )

Images of the product


Product Key Word

Arabian accountant with years experience looking following sales reviewing checking invoices branches Checking branches cash deposit match with daily cash report Checking suppliers balances Handling petty cash Dealing department Banks other daily accounting work have accounting experience field recruitment office have qatar driving license phone number 77061937looking accounts work