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Lexus car for kids 4x4

Asking Prize : 1600

3/27/2023 9:28:05 AM

Product Description

Original lexus cars for kids big size high quality - Driven by kid or by parental remote control - Start key + lights - Rubber tyres + leather seat - Mp3 player- usb + bluetooth seat belt - big battery + 4 motors motors - Suitable for 2 to 8 years - Carry till 30 kg For orders WhatsApp 55723846 The colours available black - white - silver we have delivery in the same day for order WhatsApp 55723846

(11 / 10 / 7872 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( ☆ ألاسكا للألعاب ☆ )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 55723846 )

number of ads : ( 645 )

Images of the product


Product Key Word

Original lexus cars kids size high quality Driven parental remote control Start lights Rubber tyres leather seat player bluetooth seat belt battery motors motors Suitable years Carry till orders WhatsApp 55723846 colours available black white silver have delivery same day for order WhatsApp 55723846Lexus kids