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macaw tamed free fly

Asking Prize : 5500

9/6/2023 4:14:58 PM

Product Description

REHOMING..Adorable blue gold color,tamed and hand feed..and hand raise...FREE FLY BIRD...ALSO TALK MANY WORDS CAN SAY....PRICE IS 5500 , HEALTHY..if interesting ..calll or wats up my number...55066703..wats up or mesage me for more dertails about the bird ..thanks...including big cage

(3 / 10 / 8237 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( No Name )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 55066703 )

number of ads : ( 1 )

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Product Key Word

REHOMINGAdorable blue gold colortamed hand feedand hand raiseFREE BIRDALSO TALK MANY WORDS SAYPRICE 5500 HEALTHYif interesting calll wats number55066703wats mesage more dertails about bird thanksincluding cagemacaw tamed free