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Veterinarian Needed

Asking Prize : 1

9/4/2023 6:00:53 PM

Product Description

We are looking for a full-time Veterinary doctor, to join our new clinic. Requirements: 1-Currently living or previously lived in Qatar 2-License to practice Veterinary Medicine in Qatar 3-Experience with surgeries and imaging If you are interested to join our thriving family, please send your CV to [email protected] (please only use email for communication)

(3 / 10 / 3855 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( No Name )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 33126721 )

number of ads : ( 2 )

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looking fulltime Veterinary doctor join clinic Requirements 1Currently living previously lived Qatar 2License practice Veterinary Medicine Qatar 3Experience with surgeries imaging interested join thriving family please send your QatarPetHomegmailcom please only email communicationVeterinarian Needed