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Fiber Cruiser boat for sale
Asking Prize : 22000
10/1/2022 7:24:53 AM
Product Description
18ft 6pax
Comes with trailer and new tow hook Front lifting wheel also new
Istamara licence recently renewed Radio beacon certificate only needs to be renewed in December
Comes with
2 fishing rods and reels
Second hand cooler
3 Fuel canisters No fuel tank hence the canisters
7 life jackets
Seperate Garmin fish finder Built in fish finder does not work
Radio system with speakers
2 stroke 115 HP Yamaha engine
Service will be done
/ 10
/ 5682
Advertiser information and contact
Advertiser Name : ( Christopher cawood wilson )
Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 66223628 )
number of ads : ( 0 )
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